609 Lincoln NW
Price to be determined upon completion. Contact helen@newdevelopmentcorp.org for more info.
- 3 BR
- 1 Bathroom
- New mechanical, electrical, plumbing, insulation, drywall, flooring and appliances
- Lead-based paint and asbestos abated, so safe for households with young children
- Offstreet parking
- Ground floor laundry
- 210′ deep lot
854 First St NW
Price to be determined upon completion (approximately April 2025)
- 3 BR
- 1 Bathroom
- New mechanical, electrical, plumbing, insulation, drywall, flooring and appliances.
- Lead-based paint and asbestos abated, so safe for households with young children.
- Two-stall detached garage
Income Eligibility
Household Size Maximum Household Income
1 $56,400
2 $64,450
3 $72,500
4 $80,550
5 $87,000
6 $93,450